Team building and leadership training for corporations, as well as high impact key-note speeches for a wide variety of audiences worldwide.


The Jamaica Bobsleigh and Skeleton Federation offers leadership development and team-building exercises through its Chairman and CEO, N. Christian Stokes.  Please visit for more details.

All proceeds go directly to current athlete support programs.


We present engaging and fun workshops using the philosophies from ‘Cool Runnings’ to teach team leadership lessons. These can be incorporated into events like trade shows, corporate fun days and company award events. Below are some of the themes we explore.


The challenge before me is huge: learn to bobsleigh at the Olympic level  in three days, turn around two companies in two years, overcome personal tragedy, revolutionize the regional learning environment ………….., you fill in the blank. Whatever it is for you, you must find a way to achieve personally in an extraordinary way, and this begins by building habits within yourself that will lead to results.  In these sessions Chris will share by experiences, listen to and learn from yours and together build the confidence to go after any challenge with the personal strength that gives us the best chance to succeed.


In the four man bobsleigh event, if one athlete in the sled does not do his job with precision and in unison with each of the other members of the team then he not only risks his team’s performance, he risks his teammates’ lives. How do we get people from different backgrounds, different egos, with different levels of motivation and commitment to push together, to ride together and to succeed together?  It is more art than science, it requires leadership and empathy.  In this session we will explore how to build extraordinary teams.


‘Ninety degrees in the shade’, sand, sea, mountains, rivers, hot beautiful Jamaica, the perfect candidate to be a powerhouse in the sport of bobsleigh.  What would make one think this way?  Your current safe boundaries were once unknown frontier, someone had a vision, about something, a wheel, a car, an aeroplane, a business, a product, and out of nothing more than the will to imagine, the things of today were created out of ideas of yesterday.  What idea do you have today that will change tomorrow?  Let us discuss together how to live out of vision and not out of circumstance.


The four man sled for the 1994 Winter Olympic Games was a stock sled from the town of Dresden in the former East Germany.  I was a sprinter, accustomed to running tall but the handles on these sleds were quite low…simply raise the push bars off the sled….but how can this be,  was the response, is this allowed…there was nothing to disallow it in the rules, and plenty to allow it in our innovative spirit.  The result, a superfast start time and a world beating finish time.


What is behind sporting and business dynasties? Why do some teams win championships only occasionally or not at all; while others are perpetual champions? Why do some businesses have good results one year and poor results the next; while another company in the same industry in the same circumstances does well year after year?  There is such a thing as a championship spirit and approach.  Let’s share ideas on this, look at case studies and see how your organization can develop and sustain extraordinary success.


Every now and then we need a good old fashioned feel good story with a happy ending that lifts our spirits, inspires and motivates us to get up the next day ready to take on the world, ready to achieve the impossible because you have been inspired by others who have done this.  The story of the Jamaica bobsleigh team as told with its challenges and struggles, its near victories,  far dreams and ultimate triumph is one of the most motivating stories in history.  Here in live from one who lived it, warts and glory.  A truly inspiring experience.

Special Book Offer

Get your copy of ‘Cool Runnings and Beyond’, the inspirational true story of four Jamaican bobsleighers and their dream of competing in the Winter Olympics.